It honked it down yesterday afternoon as well-I wanted to do more work on power cleans with my guys, just really toning up technique-which I was pretty pleased with, so to re-enforce this work we did Elizabeth
Power cleans and dips
CrossFit nerd fact-Elizabeth and Elisabeth are actually two different workouts-with a z is power cleans and with a s is squat cleans-or is that the other way round? Kempie will know this as I believe he rang up HQ and asked. Guess I'm not such a nerd after all-not that I'm suggesting Kempie is-as he's A. a very nice guy and good coach and B. built like a brick you know what!
I have now finished rambling..........probably.
Hey, I'll go there: Kempie is a crossfit nerd, regardless of the fact he's the Great White Buffalo . . . ;-)
Emmm he is not big!! Just look at the Highland games athletes...thats big!!!!
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