Saturday 2 May 2009


Davie sent me a text on thursday night asking for a bodyweight workout that can be done without equipment-I suggested,

run 400
30 squats
30 pressups
X 4

This was actually "Bjorn again" a wod we did between christmas and new year for a visitor from CF Victoria, one of the trainers there, Bjorn Walker (who incidentally came seventh in the CF games qualifiers in Australia-I feel partly responsable for his excellent performance :) )

So for friday my gang did the same wod but substituted situps for the pressups-following yesterday ringdips I thought this wise.

In the photo we see Amanda who-as one of our newbies is still scaling her workouts-and in this case is using an small anchor to help with the situps.
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1 comment:

Davie said...

i could just about drive home after that one!