Thursday, 31 July 2008

Running Cindy

5 pullups
10 pressups
15 squats
Run 300
Paul rocked this one, Kipping playing a major factor in his excellent time-enjoy your holiday Paul, see you in two weeks.
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The not that early birds did Elizabeth yesterday
Squats cleans and dips-21/15/9.

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Abi and Charlotte

Abi and Charlotte were the victims of there own desires for this wod. I 'd asked them what they fancied doing-they picked the exercise-I picked the reps!

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Apologies for not blogging since Wednesday (to all nine of you)
Wednesday was a mixed bag-the bulk of my guys did a nice little deadlift, pressup ensemble, I think you can read the feedback from the photo's in regards to this

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Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Flock of Seagulls

12 pullups
21 swings
x 3
Got Chrissie back on board after an old injury flared up-Nice hair!

Really pleased with Pauls work today, kipping coming along really, really well-good work mate.
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Monday, 28 July 2008

Monday WOD

10 pressups
10 situps
10 pullups
run 300
for twenty minutes-and the heat didn't help
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CrossFit Golf

9 Holes
I don't know much about golf-I know that a 20lb medicine ball weighs more than a golf ball-and that its harder to throw-I also know that I want that ball thrown in the least throws into our big tyre-for nine holes-and maybe Graham needs work on his swing-nice work!
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Friday, 25 July 2008


A heroes wod today in memory of young Jeremy Bloniasz, who died tragically July 6 2006
Overhead squat-rx'd was 95 pounds, scaled this as necessary

Good work tonight gang, a good workout in memory of one who died so young.
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Thursday, 24 July 2008

Don't do this in flip flops

We've been fooling around with handstands for a little while, and begun to use bands to work towards a hand stand pressup-key tips for this are keep your shoulders really high before you invert, keep your body as stiff as possible-(flopsy=bad) and don't move your hands-wearing flip flops for this is not a great idea either!
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5 on-1 off x3

1 minute of
sumo dead lift hi pulls
knees to elbows
row for calories
1 minute break
3 rounds of whoop ass!

Thanks to new girls Tracy and Sophie foe staying to see how it's done. Your time will come (but not just yet)

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Yesterday's workouts today!

Thursday night was a bit of a Tabata mashup, 8 sets of 20 seconds work with 10 second breaks in between, using pressups, sit ups, jumping pullups and swings-not so good!
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Tuesday, 22 July 2008


Good stuff today-3 reps 5 rounds of push jerks-some was done as a tech session, getting used to the movement, and some went heavy-including Charlotte here-well done!
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Monday, 21 July 2008

Johnny Hutch!

The legend that is Johnny Hutch-Yes ladies he's single!
All joking aside-John is one of our sucess stories-he's been with us since January and his body composition has changed enormously.
John started off as many do with the idea of trying CrossFit-and doing one session a week-but he caught the bug and now does four!
Doing well Johnny-Proud of you!

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My legs/bum hurts!

Today everybody rowed 2000m, a few said "What? Thats it?" Yes that's it-a simple sounding task-and of course it never is!

Alex 7.12
Simon W 7.32
James 7.45
Paul 7.53
Johnny 8.06
Graham 8.15
Simon L 8.43
Emily 8.58
Abi 9.11
Amy 9.13
Emma D 9.30
Rita 10.24
Yvonne G 10.39

Thanks to everybody for their patience with this today-if we had room for another rower we would get one!
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Team Work

8.45 Saturday morning
Divided my guys up into teams, the rules were
1 only one team member can train at a time
2 the teams have to run as a pair.

The Wod
50 Press ups
50 Ring pulls
50 Pullups
run a block
three rounds.

Thanks teams-well done all!
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It's not all pictures of sweaty people!

Muscles burn lactic acid as well as carbos from

Most athletes see lactic acid as their enemy, and think that training helps them eliminate the metabolic waste product from their muscles so they will function longer and harder. But UC Berkeley physiologist George Brooks has found that training actually teaches your muscle cells how to use lactic acid as a fuel source to get more bang for the buck.


Friday, 18 July 2008

It's my birthday and I'll train if i want to...

27 tuck jumps
27 sit ups
27 swings
run 600

Happy birthday Amy!

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Thursday, 17 July 2008

Whats for Dinner?

I have never heard so much swearing as I did last night.
15 pressups
12 dips
9 push press
amrap for 20 minutes.
Scaled as necessary.
(Actually I had Taco's for dinner-very nice too!)
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