Wednesday 29 April 2009

Jess has a unruly knee

Jess is one of our newbies, she's been training with us for just over two weeks and is seeing progress in her fitness already, but is still at the stage where movements need to be taught and monitored carefully.
Looking at her squat we noticed a knee drop where the right knee was collapsing slightly (by this I mean her knee was falling inwards-not actually collapsing-i.e. my knee cap has dropped off)

There are 4 key points to look for in this movement
1 weight in the heels
2 crease of the hip-where the thigh meets the outer groin area-just below the line of the kneecap
3 the knees track over the feet
4 we keep a nice proud chest to keep the lumbar curve in.

Point 3 was what was causing the problem, no matter how nicely I spoke to the offending joint it really seemed to want to do its own thing.

This was resolved very easily by when Jess was squatting asking her to push her knee out against my hand-often the tactile cue is very helpful with getting newbies to understand how and where they should be in terms of understanding and feeling the movements.

It's vital when learning our movements that we follow Coach Glassman's mantra, "mechanics, consistency, intensity". Without the first stages our efforts are wasted.

The wod in question that derived this long rambling tech heavy blog was Nancy-run 400 15 overhead squats x5.
Sorry for the old phot too.
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