Thursday 4 June 2009


It's always a great feeling as a trainer when a client achieves something for the first time, Jason is an excellent athlete who really embodies what the work we do is about, he pushes hard at his workouts, eats correctly and sees the benefits from this-most importantly he supports the others in the group, motivating them in the workout-he understands that this is a joint effort and the sense of community that we have as CrossFitters. Congratulations on your first Muscle up-fantastic work.

Jamie-his hands you can see here, is still pretty new to us but is adapting well to the intensity (he did have a visit from the clown on his first ever workout with us) and has really seen results already from the wods-he got his kipping pullup yesterday and tore his hands for the first time.
Jamie told me after the wod yesterday-which was Micheal, that he was squeezing his injured hands whilst running to make himself move faster-nice tip!
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Anonymous said...


Very proud of you both. Look at the smile on Jason, bless you!


Davie said...

Congratulations on joining the muscle up club Jason

As for Jamies hands, they will some toughen up like old leather, just look at Christines